Three decades of institutional investment industry experience.
Spanning investment management, investment research, and public company governance.
"We understand well the challenges senior executives of public companies and fund managers face when they meet investors and allocators in public capital markets. Sometimes, these encounters occur during periods marked by stressed fundamentals or investment performance.
At all times, the competition for capital is fierce.
At these key moments, effective communication is imperative.
And highly polished scripts and graphics failing to address, or contributing to, misperceptions and misunderstandings can invite valuation pressure and governance disputes.
These can be distracting and expensive.
They can raise your cost of capital and impede your strategic priorities.
Investment managers with suboptimal strategies experiencing soft performance may miss opportunities.
Or lose great clients.
We have accepted select engagements with CEOs and CFOs as well as with investment mangers who want an experienced, independent, confidential perspective. And something other than a generic solution.
Who are thinking strategically and open to fresh perspective.
KCA/Princeton Advisors, LLC accepts consultative appointments where we and clients share common ground delving deeply into business models, aspirations, and investment strategies.
We collaboratively devise strategic content to get back on offense.
We live in an era of aggressive impatience, amplified by the tools of rapidly advancing technologies. Inattention to strategic matters of investor/allocator positioning often leads to organizational disruption that slows growth, impairs margins, drives up cost of capital, and drives out board members and managers.
It's not fun when this happens and much of it is avoidable with thoughtful planning.
If there is a fit, we will get you back on track. Running a great business and managing well received investment products. Most of all, you will be moving forward productively with receptive investors.
Your life will get just a little bit easier. Your clients more positively engaged."
Contact us to start the conversation. A single multiple point in valuation can mean a world of difference when you pursue an acquisition or just move through annual meeting season.
KCA/Princeton Advisors, LLC
Strategic Investor Relations Advisory for Issuers and Investment Managers
Institutional Investment Strategy, Senior Portfolio Manager, Independent Director

Our Principles
KCA/Princeton Advisors, LLC launched it's initial investment fund for qualified institutions and individuals in early 2017. Signalman Fund, LP focused on the financial services sector, amidst cyclical change, industry consolidation and technology progression. We now extend our 35 years investment management career with a broader mandate and wider field of vision. We continue to actively invest and we have accepted select consulting engagements with issuers and investment managers who are looking for fresh insightful perspective on their interactions with the capital markets community at large.
KCA's Founder/Principal is John A. Heffern. He applies 35 years of portfolio management, research experience, and corporate governance service across all market-capitalizations, factors, and styles.
Mr. Heffern travels frequently & widely for hands-on portfolio research, gaining insights from decades-long relationships in the investment management industry.
Experienced. Insightful. Independent. Collegial. Confidential.

Peritia et Fidelis
Mr. Heffern's career spans nearly 30 years of senior level portfolio management and equity research mandates. He leverages a deep background in financial services for investment selection across a wide expanse of companies, themes, and factors.
"Your questions and discussions with managements are far and away among the best we hear."
Feedback from leading brokerage firm.
KCA/Princeton Advisors, LLC
Princeton, New Jersey